At Bracker & Marcus, we are passionate about providing updates and keeping our community informed on news and law regulations related to whistleblowers throughout the United States.

19 01, 2024

SEC Issues New Cybersecurity Disclosure Rule

2024-01-19T19:51:26-04:00By |Cyber Security, False Claims Act Blog|

On July 26, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) produced a final rule that strengthened and standardized the agency's requirements for companies regarding disclosures of “cybersecurity risk management, strategy, [...]

19 12, 2023

Bracker & Marcus Ties for the Largest PPP Settlement on Record

2023-12-22T21:05:22-04:00By |Bracker & Marcus Firm News & Updates, False Claims Act Blog, Financial Fraud Blog, Government Fraud Blog, Whistleblower Blog & News|

The end of the year usually means cold weather, holiday decorations, and a rush to finalize False Claims Act settlements. This year is proving to be no different, as we [...]

20 11, 2023

Government Reaches $225,000 False Claims Act Settlement with Georgia Physician

2023-12-11T17:31:34-04:00By |Bracker & Marcus Firm News & Updates, Healthcare Fraud Blog, Whistleblower Blog & News|

Our client becomes a successful two-time whistleblower It is difficult and rare to be a successful False Claims Act relator. First, you have to be educated enough to recognize the [...]

12 07, 2023

SBA Reports More Than $200 Billion of PPP and EIDL Funds Lost to Fraud

2023-07-13T12:58:03-04:00By |False Claims Act Blog, Whistleblower Blog & News|

Our law firm has filed over a dozen False Claims Act cases alleging Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) fraud, and we have more in the [...]

23 06, 2023

CRH Healthcare Settles Covid Overbilling Claim for $1.6 Million

2023-07-12T21:27:43-04:00By |False Claims Act Blog|

As anyone involved in healthcare during the Covid pandemic can attest, there was an enormous amount of confusion about what providers could and could not do, and how they should [...]

12 05, 2023

DOJ Releases Updated False Claims Act Statistics for 2022

2023-07-12T21:27:44-04:00By |False Claims Act Blog, Whistleblower Blog & News|

The False Claims Act (FCA) imposes liability on individuals and organizations that defraud the government by submitting false or fraudulent claims for payment. When private whistleblowers discover such fraudulent activity, [...]

13 04, 2023

Everything You Need to Know From the 2022 MFCU Annual Report

2023-07-12T21:27:46-04:00By |Healthcare Fraud Blog|

“Hey Mafookoo! What do you think you’re doing?” Yes, Mafookoo (actually "MFCU”) sounds like it might be some sort of veiled insult, but in reality, it is quite the opposite. [...]

31 03, 2023

Bracker & Marcus Settles Case Against Ophthalmology Group for $2.9 Million

2024-08-28T10:17:36-04:00By |Healthcare Fraud Blog|

Bracker & Marcus LLC is pleased to announce that the United States and the State of Texas have settled a lawsuit brought by their client, Dr. Carrie L. Morris, against [...]

13 01, 2023

Advanced Bionics Settles False Claims Act Case for $13 million

2024-09-27T15:14:34-04:00By |Bracker & Marcus Firm News & Updates, Healthcare Fraud Blog|

Bracker & Marcus LLC is pleased to announce that Advanced Bionics LLC, a California-based manufacturer of cochlear implants, agreed to pay the government nearly $13 million to resolve a complaint [...]

29 12, 2022

False Claims Act Case Against Mississippi Orthopedic Clinic Results in $1.9 Million Settlement

2023-07-12T21:27:52-04:00By |Bracker & Marcus Firm News & Updates, Healthcare Fraud Blog|

Defendants allegedly defrauded Medicare and Medicaid by submitting false claims for name brand viscosupplements Just in time for the new year, Bracker & Marcus is pleased to announce a settlement [...]